Thursday, July 17, 2008

3 Reasons Why Metallica Sucks

(This is not about Metallica's music. It is about the members.)

1. The war against Napster.  Metallic was the most outspoken band against Napster. Ok, file sharing is illegal but was it necessary to go after broke college students and fine them thousands of dollars per song. 

This 2004 comedy, or documentary, reveals the members of Metallica as the true drama-queen turds they are.

When Metallica learned that their music was being used in the torture of Iraqi prisoners they responded by saying that they were excited their music was being used against the detainees and they were honored to be contributing to the war on terror.   


Anonymous said...

You don't know what the hell you're talking about.

Are you someone blind to reason, or of a twisted faith?

Listen to the interview of James Hetfield, despite the length.

It's not a link, copy and paste it dumbass.

Rady said...

Thank you Mr. Anonymous Metallica Fan. If you hadn't told me to copy and paste I would have been clicking the link for hours trying to get it to work. God only knows how a "dumbass" like me manages to run a blog.

Anonymous said...

I think DEFINITELY Metallica sucks, for that 3 and many THOUSAND reasons, they're just lame. From Garage Inc. to present they have made nothing else than SUCKY 7-minute-long shit.
Metallica Fans:
Go listen to Avril Lavigne too.
They both rock right?

Kiddmagic said...

Spot on. Metallica are some of the worst people in the history of music.